Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hey all,
Today we're gonna talk about....


I was gone because she changed my Blogger password. And if I told my parents, she threatened to tell 'em about the stink bomb that I threw inside school. Now, if I write it here, you think my parents'll know. WRONG! Why? Cause they don't read this blog. I run 2 blogs. But I shan't give you the link, or you may comment and tell my parents. And if Valerie tries that, I'll tell my parents about something she did!
Oh, and the cover for Album 52 came out. Mr. Whittaker doesn't look like that normally, and Eugene's hair isn't normally like that....I don't know why....*sighs*
Oh, and btw, the password she used was "valppp" That's Valerie PowderPuffPamela.

Nelson S.


  1. Yikes, Nelson. Sounds rough. Well, we're so glad you're back on! Please keep writing!

    (Oh, and you're right. Eugene and Whit look very strange. Know who that girl talking to them is?)

  2. You guys have benn hanging around Bart Rathbone too much haven't you.

  3. Yeah, Nelson, you oughta know for sure who was helping Whit and Eugene on that case. ; )

    Who's the other person in the picture?

    *cough-cough* Marvin *cough-cough*

  4. I do know who it is. Connie. *nods*
